Tempe Urban Living
Tempe Urban Living
Fresh & Easy Coming to Downtown Tempe
According to the Arizona Republic, the British "Fresh & Easy Market" concept is coming soon near downtown Tempe. If you've never seen one of these urban style, neighborhood groceries, they are a real treat. The current plan calls for the market to take over the space that will soon be vacated by Walgreens at Broadway and Mill. Walgreens recently built a free standing store at the Southwest corner of the same intersection. If you want to get a sneak peak at what the store may be like, there is another Fresh & Easy already open at 425 W. Baseline Road - Kyrene & Baseline. (Or check them out online at http://www.freshandeasy.com/)
Although we don't think the location is within a realistic walking distance to downtown, it is close enough to be our only real "neighborhood" grocery and it is definitely within biking or scooter range!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008